
Meu nome é Jhonantans Moraes Rocha, trabalho como Fullstack developer desde 2016 e como Team Lead desde 2020. Venho implementando soluções criativas e eficientes em Node e AWS há 5 anos. Venho também trabalhando em projetos pessoas com Python e Rust, duas fascinantes linguagens que muito me interessam.


Team Lead

Como líder sou responsável por auxiliar o time a performar da melhor maneira possível através do gerenciamento de tarefas e planejamentos de longo prazo, assim como assegurando coesão e eficiência do código entregue.

Software Engineer

As a core member of the services team I have been working on the development of solutions to the client. My major focus is to supoort and evolve a Node environment completely powered by AWS. Part of the structure runs as monolith and part as microservices, using Lambdas, SNS and SQS. It is also part of the work to develop some React tools for internal usage.

Systems Analist

Development and maintenance of a news communication systems. Major concerns were high availability, consistent quality and speed to final consumer.

Full Stack Developer

Acting in the development of hybrid applications for Android and iOS, implementation of web systems and creation and maintenance of websites and APIs.

Member (Academic Team) at Robot Soccer Team

I was responsible for the network area, handling communication between robot-to-robot and robot-to-computer. I also worked in the area of movement and locomotion, expanding the set of gestures and actions of the robot player. Finally, I developed the structure of the behavior state machine, implementing the reaction to events autonomously and elaborating new roles for the player.

Technologies used:


Researcher (Academic Research)

Development and application of Fuzzy controllers, based on the Takagi-Sugeno method (TS), to an industrial-level plant controlled by a Rockwell CLP.

Technologies used:


Mechatronics, Robotics and Control and Automation Engineering

The course brings together knowledge in Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science aiming at the development of control and automation solutions for industrial and non-industrial environments. The points specially studied are:

Skills & Proficiency


